A minha casa é pequena e o espaço tem que ser o melhor aproveitado possível. Redecorei o quarto da Carlota com isso em mente, pelo que a cama e a secretária foram feitas à medida. Apesar de não gostar particularmente das linhas industriais e de móveis modulares, penso que encontrei a melhor solução para este quartinho.
O papel de parede é da Pip Studio e a roupa de cama é da Designers Guild. Os móveis são da Just4Kids, excepto a estante e a cadeira, que são do Ikea.
Ah, se eu tivesse uma casa maior...

My house is very small, so I have to keep that in mind when decorating. That's why Carlota's bed and desk were made by measure. Although I don't particularly like industrial and modular furniture, I think this was the best solution for her small room.
The wallpaper is Pip Studio's and the bed covers are Designers Guild's. The bed and desk were bought at Just4Kids and the bookcase and chair are from Ikea.
Ah, if I had a bigger house...
The wallpaper is Pip Studio's and the bed covers are Designers Guild's. The bed and desk were bought at Just4Kids and the bookcase and chair are from Ikea.
Ah, if I had a bigger house...
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